In our Indian society we came accross several home remedies for the immunity growth for the small diseases like common cold, viral fever, and etc. By the encouragement of our immune health against not only of Covid-19 but also of other viral diseases. 

In these blog we will know some amazing home remedies for the growth of the immunity. By adding some food components in our daily diet and also some of the Yoga Ashan and exercises.

 So for the first it comes what is Immunity?

Immunity is like a defence system of our body against foreign particles like pollution, bacteria, viruses etc. which enters in our body through various ways like from nose, food , water and many more.

We should not be relay on medicine for immunity growth we can use we can also drink Tulsi- kadha and some food diet too, since they don't have side effects like:-

1.GARLIC:- Garlic contains some of the important nutrients for the immunity growth like

# Allicin

# Selenium

# Vitamin-C

# Vitamin-B

2.GINGER:- Ginger helps in better lungs health, liver health, and it also good for bone health since it contains
# Calcium
# Iron 
# Gingerol 

3.TURMERIC:- Turmeric contains properties of antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal due to high concentrations of

# Beta-carotene

# Ascorbic acid


# Zinc

# Iron

# Potassium

4.HONEY:- Honey is an antioxidant which helps to detoxify the blood and helps in better circulation in our body.

# Flavonoids

# Polyphenols

5.CLOVE:- Clove is a natural immunity booster, improves digestion, aids weight loss,maintains respiratory health, relieves stress etc. and many other advantages. The contents of the Clove are

# Eugenol

# Kaempferol

# Rhamnetin

# Flavonoids

For the yoga and exercises we can do

  1. Kapalbhati

  2. Anulom-Vilom 

And also some easy and useful exercises like 

  1. Jumping jacks

  2. Twisters

  3.  Jogging in lawn or terrace

And also we should be concerned about the self defence from covid like wearing mask while going out, using hand sanitizer and wash our hands frequently.

Till then stay home, stay safe, stay healthy.



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