Common In All Components In The Universe

Common In All Components In The Universe

All the components present in the universe are many unit particles called the building blocks of that particular components.

On the Earth there are two types of components are present ,they are the biotic components or the living components and the abiotic components or the non-living components.
BIOTIC COMPONENTS:-The components present in the nature which are living or have life in it. Which do all the action of life like respiration, consumption of food ,absorbing the nutrients from the food and ejaculation of useless material out of the body etc. Like the animals, plants and human being. The Unit Particle Of The Living Components Are The Cell In Which THE DNA OR RNA are present.

DNA:- A Deoxyribonucleotide polymer that is the primary genetic material of all cells. Eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms normally contain DNA in a double-helical state, yet several important biological processes transiently involve single-stranded regions. DNA, which consists of a
polysugar-phosphate backbone possessing projections of purines (adenine and guanine) and pyrimidine (thymine and cytosine), forms a double helix or helical that is held together by hydrogen bonds between these purines and pyrimidine (adenine to thymine and guanine to cytosine)

RNA:- RNA, abbreviation of Ribonucleic acid, complex compound  of high molecular weight that functions in cellular protein synthesis and replaces DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) as a carrier of genetic  codes in some viruses. RNA consists of ribose nucleotides (nitrogenous bases appended to a ribose sugar) attached by phosphodiester bonds, forming strands of varying lengths. The nitrogenous bases in RNA are adenineguanine, Cytosine, and uracil, which replace thymine in DNA.

ABIOTIC COMPONENTS:-The components present in the nature which are non-living ad having no life in it. These components don't do any  function of life consumption of food, gaining nutrients from it etc. The unit particles or the building blocks of these abiotic components is known as ATOM.

Atom:-Atom  are the basic units of matter and the defining structure of elements. The term "atom" comes from the Greek word for indivisible, because it was once thought that atoms were the smallest things in the universe and could not be divided. We now know that atoms are made up of three particles: protons, neutrons and electrons — which are composed of even smaller particles, such as quarks

As stated above the DNA and the RNA are made up of nitrogenous base in which atoms are present. Most of the atom is empty space. The rest consists of a positively charged nucleus of protons and neutrons surrounded by a cloud of negatively charged electrons. The nucleus is small and dense compared with the electrons, which are the lightest charged particles in nature. Electrons are attracted to any positive charge by their electric force; in an atom, electric forces bind the electrons to the nucleus. 

bond of molecules in a DNA

bond of molecules in RNA

Inside the nucleus of an atom there present the QUARK. Quark can be defined  as a type of  pathway for the transfer of the energy. The energy is 
transferred from the GOD PARTICLE. God particle the energy bank of an atom is present in each and every creation of nature. 

GOD PARTICLE is the only common form which is present in all the abiotic and biotic components present in the universe. It connects all the biotic components and the abiotic components present in the universe.

Note:- These article is written on the basis of new quantum experiments. So there is no much information is present on web... 

imaginary view of quark

imaginary view of god particle of  god particle inside an atom for info purpose


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